10 curious things about La Paz ENGLISH / ITALIANO / FRANÇAIS 🇬🇧 We stayed almost two weeks in La Nuestra Señora de la Paz, one of the most important Bolivian cities, we have walked and traveled along its busy streets and learned a lot about this unique town. These are the most...
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Gym & Sport in La Paz ENGLISH / ITALIANO 🇬🇧 Running this week in La Paz continues to be a forbidden pleasure. If Cusco and Ollantaytambo were not suitable, well, La Paz is even worse. Its streets are narrow and busy with an infinite number of cars, minibus and vans. The smog...
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Around Titicaca Lake Titicaca lake really is a magical place on earth. At over 3800 mt of altitude, it’s the biggest lake in South America and the highest navigable lake in the world. It is also considered the birthplace of the great Inca culture, with Manco Capac, the first great ruler of Incas, raising from...
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Copacabana, Isla del Sol, Isla de la Luna From Copacabana From la Isla del Sol From la Isla de la Luna
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Inka Jungle Trek: Photos & Videos
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Sport & Inkas ENGLISH / ITALIANO 🇬🇧 Running during these first days within the Inka Kingdom has been impossible. It wasn’t so much the altitude to stop me (I’m running regularly now in LaPaz, although inside), rather the lack of space. In places like Cusco and Ollantaytambo, there is absolutely no safe track...
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Cusco Photo Gallery Cusco was the capital of the glorious Inca Kingdom and nowadays is the touristic epicenter of Peru. We spent just a bit more than 1 day and this is what we discovered.
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Ollantaytambo Photo Gallery Here is a quick photo gallery from our first 2 days in Peru! Ecco una piccola serie di foto dei nostri primi 2 giorni in Peru! Une petite selection de nos premiers instants au Peru! Share it and like it on social media! 🙂 Next stop, MachuPichu!
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Easy Paced Half Marathon A nice and easy saturday morning run from Barceloneta to Badalona and back. Passed the half marathon mark under 1h47min. Bella e facile corsa di sabato mattina dalla Barceloneta a Badalona e ritorno, su tutto il lungomare di Barcelona. Coperta la mezza maratona in meno di 1h.47min And here...
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ENGLISH / ITALIANO / FRANCAIS 🇬🇧 How to Book Torres del Paine treks Torres del Paine is described by everyone who’s been there as the Best Trekking Circuit in South America, arguably the very best in the whole world. Why do I say circuit? Because the hikes will revolve around 3 main...
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